PHIT America is pleased to announce Gabriel Montañez, one of PHIT America's inaugural members of the Champion Advisory Team.
I am a physical education teacher at Forest Hill Elementary School in West Palm Beach, Florida. I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Happily married with two children and a dog. I started practicing gymnastics very young, being able to take my first trip to represent Puerto Rico with only 9 years old. Did the sport for 11 years and my last representation was in Las Vegas where I won my All Around competition helping my team to win 1st place as a team. In my free time I was always outside playing sports, riding bikes or skateboarding, bodyboarding or snorkeling, climbing trees in the woods with my neighborhood friends.
Also in college I was part of the Gallitos Pole Vaulting team in Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Rio Piedras. In only four years of practice I was able to achieve 4.80 m (15.8 feet) height in competition and 5 m (16.4 feet) during practice. I still stay active by riding mountain bikes, paddleboarding, wakeboarding, running, doing slackline, and family hikes.
My students benefit from the AMPED, this year I will introduce PLAY TENNIS,I am excited to be an AMPED Champion and part of the newly formed ADVISORY TEAM